Unleashed Auto Care performed a paint corrective service to this Lexus IS-F. A dealer-owned vehicle, this performance car was in dire need of some restoration prior to being featured for sale.
Many thanks to Taylor Automotive Group in Regina for trusting Unleashed Auto Care to perform this service.
To minimize damage to the paintwork and ensure the safety of the exterior surfaces, we use a multi-stage 18-step wash procedure involving a variety of tools and equipment.
This 3-4 hour process includes a full decontamination service which removes all iron, tar, road grime and environmental fallout from the paintwork, wheels, glass, and other exterior surfaces. Careful prep is essential to ensuring an effective, safe polishing procedure on the paintwork.
The wheels and calipers on this car were caked in brake dust and iron deposits, having rarely been properly cleaned and decontaminated.
We used a combination of several products and tools to safely remove the contamination from the wheels and calipers, revealing a glossy and clean surface.
The wheels and calipers would also be treated to a sealant application to make future cleaning easier, while repelling water and dirt.
Paint Damage
& Polishing
This vehicle had some of the worst paint damage we have come across to date. While a complete overhaul was not within the scope or budget of the job, we knew more than a mild polish would have to be performed. Heavy scratches, swirls, fading, and holograms (caused by previous improper polishing) riddled the surface.
Below you will find numerous examples of the paintwork's transformation.
We also documented over 200 paint measurements across the vehicles surface. This allows us to ensure the integrity of the paintwork, while still being able to accomplish a high-level correction and refinement. We found numerous areas, including re-sprayed panels that were very delicate.
Final Results
Please see the final results of the service after the paint corrective procedure and Essence+ Sealant application.
The scope of the job was to restore gloss and enhance the finish to prep it for sale - but because I have such deep respect for the vehicle, I made sure it looked better than ever.